Advanced Classifieds Software
Classifieds websites are the perfect way for a long term sustainable revenue and if you don’t know how to make one then you’re in the right place. Do you want to create a website like Craigslist, Olx, Quikr or any other popular classifieds website out there? then you’ve reached your desired destination. If you want have a fantastic idea about launching your own business classifieds website, and are stuck for the right software, our Business Classifieds PHP Script is just the right thing to give a boost to your idea. Classified Ads PHP Script is a powerful and flexible multi-language solution specifically designed for users who want to post adds to buy or sell anything from houses, cars, art pieces, electronic items to pets and the list goes on. We are serving the industry from the past 14 years and assure you with the best script as per the market standards. Classifieds Directory PHP Script is built to be SEO friendly. Your website will be listed in all the major search engines. User friendly navigation to help users to easily post or view without much technical knowledge.
Advanced Business Classifieds Script supports unlimited sub-categories and postings. Any given product can have countless sub-categories and can also be posted unlimited number of times. It has responsive and elegant design and more than 20 default pages. Payment Gateway & Google map: This Business Classifieds Script is integrated with multiple payment gateway options which will help you for easier monetary transactions. It is integrated with Google maps for location management. Local Ads Posting Management System gives the admin the rights to manage all advertisements. Admin can manage the category and sub category for the Ads. Admin can manage the comments, front pages and membership plans as well. Pricing plans are also managed by the admin. The users can then choose their desired plan accordingly. Helps generate revenue through various revenue models such as banner adds, Google adds and membership models. We provide brand free product and full technical support for 1 year along with 1 year free update support and moreover, once you buy the script, your website will be live within 24 hours.
Advanced Classified Script has the following core features:
- Dashboard
- Manage Users
- Brands & Models
- Categories & Sub Categories
- Manage Locations (Country, City, Locality)
- FAQs
- Email Templates
- Advertisements
- Manage Settings
- News Letter
- Manage Payments
- Ads Pricing & Plans
- Payment Gateway Setting
- Multi-Language Support
- Manage Enquiries
- 100% Mobile Responsive