Cold Storage Management System
The Cold Storage Management PHP script is a highly functional and flexible software that controls Cold Stores completely. Cold Storage Management is a web-based application that manages your cold storage from anywhere on any device. It will use a database and web server backend and present an easy-to-use interface for stores to be checked in and their information to be managed. Cold Storage Management System Project we use PHP and MySQL databases. This Cold Storage PHP software has three modules, i.e., admin, Sub-admin, and user. Cold Storage PHP script admin has all the privileges to manage cold storage details, sub-admins, registered users, static pages, new applications, and reports. We offer the complete clod storage manage software source code. After the purchase, you can customize it as per your client’s school project requirements.
Cold Storage Management System has the following key features:
- Front End Website
- Admin, Sub-admin, user login
- Dashboard
- Users
- Sub-admins
- Cold Storage
- New Applications
- Manage Pages
- Reports