Online Course Management Software
Online Course Registration PHP Script is a readymade Online Course Management PHP script which is developed in PHP with MySQL database. Online Course Registration PHP script has two core modules such as admin module and student module. Admin will register the student and provide username, password and pin code. Pin code will be used when a student enrolls for the course. Admin can manage session, semester, departments, courses, students and student’s logs. Students can log in with valid reg no and password provided by the admin. Students can enroll for any course and can printout of the registered course. This Online Course Registration PHP project that helps to manage your online course booking, registration purpose. Phpscriptsonline offers this Online Course Registration Script or website, you can download the script and use it for your personal, clients projects.
Online Course Management Script has the following features:
- Admin login, Student login
- Admin panel
- Dashboard
- Session
- Semester
- Department
- Course
- Registration
- Manage Students
- Enroll History
- Student Logs
- Student Panel
- Dashboard
- Enroll for Course
- Enroll History
- My Profile
- Change Password
- Logout