Online Rental Property Manager
Online rental property manager (ORPM) developed in PHP with a MySQL database. ORPM is a responsive, multi-user web-based application you can access from your PC, tablet, mobile, or any other device. It allows you to manage landlords, rental properties, units, applications, leases, and tenants. Add all details related to the tenants, i.e., references, rental history, employment history, and income overview. ORPM was created in open source, so you can easily customize it to add/remove details or any extra functionality to fit your own requirements. The online property manager PHP script helps us to manage tenants, landlords, properties, units, reports, and more. You will get a complete source code of the property manager PHP script so that you can customize and use it for your personal and client projects.
Online Rental Property Manager has the following key features:
- Dashboard
- Admin, user login
- Tenants
- Landlords
- Properties
- Leases
- Reports
- Manage Users